Did I really burned My House...Or was it….. Just a Myth!

When I started my schooling, which I didn’t appreciated from the beginning…maybe I was too smart for the schools, but I cherish those hay days now.
Those were the days when, utter stupidity was considered adorable by our elders, and they were neither flabbergasted by some of my crazy adventures.
Some would agree that every soul has a child within which fades behind the trembling wall of age and stereotype mindset which creates hinder.
Well everyone has some story to tell from his or her childhood, although I have many but this was the day when I tried to flame out my house.
I only remember blurry scenes from that incident, as I played and was amused how the matchstick is turned into a flame.
In few seconds the flame swallowed the whole room, so the wise ran and rained water and somehow they managed to save the rug: P
Next chapter was the scolding session and I actually managed it well.
But I still believe that its nothing in comparison to the incident when one of my siblings left the washroom tap open at night and when all of a sudden we found ourselves floating and tried to convince our brains that we live on 8th floor and Tsunami can’t come that high………………………but when we saw our shoes and other assets floating on their free will, we were forced to think otherwise.
They say we need to be a certain way to fit in the world.Or they say Who's they, i don't how can we pretend and bend and be the way they say , either we are not ok, and they say who's they
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